Waterfall Family History



Matches 601 to 650 of 1,561

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
601 Cause of Death: Carcinoma of the Stomach JONES Jonathan Ifan Ifor (I472)
602 Cause of Death: Congestion of the Lungs. EVANS Joseph (I1718)
603 Cause of Death: Convulsions JONES Nancy (I1682)
604 Cause of death: Influenza 24 days, Pneumonia 14 days, Convulsions 2 days. WATERFALL Nathaniel (I410)
605 Cause of death: Liver Disease WATERFALL Charles (I1046)
606 Cause of Death: Myocardial Infarction JONES Kenneth (I471)
607 Cause of death: Pneumonia and Convulsions. WATERFALL Lucy Ann (I232)
608 Cause of death: Probably convulsions through teething WATERFALL George Henry (I231)
609 Cause of death: Rheumatism, Mitral Valve Disease. WATERFALL Nathaniel (I435)
610 Cause of death: Scarlatina WATERFALL Edmund Atkins (I301)
611 Cause of death: Stroke FRANKENBUSCH Ilse Franziska Felicitas (I7)
612 Cause of death: Thrombosis of the decending branch of the left coronry artery. Coronry arteriosclerosis WATERFALL Harold John (I84)
613 Cause of death: Typhoid Fever WATERFALL Neldon Douglass (I85)
614 Cause of death: Whooping Cough complicated by Bronchopneumonia WATERFALL Virgil Benjamin (I86)
615 Certificate No: 008330 WATERFALL Herbert (I158)
616 Certificate No: 18833 WATERFALL Herbert (I158)
617 Certificate No: 5427 WATERFALL George (I602)
618 Chalres gives his occupation as a General Labourer. WATERFALL Charles (I390)
619 Charles gives his occupation as a Bleacher. WATERFALL Charles (I451)
620 Charles gives his occupation as a Coal Miner (hewer) WATERFALL Charles (I13)
621 Charles gives his occupation as a Coal Miner. WATERFALL Charles (I13)
622 Charles gives his occupation as a Coal Miner. WATERFALL Charles (I6)
623 Charles gives his occupation as a Coal Miner. WATERFALL Charles (I6)
624 Charles gives his occupation as a Coal Miner. WATERFALL Charles (I6)
625 Charles gives his occupation as a Collector of Inland Revenue (Civil Service) WATERFALL Charles (I1109)
626 Charles gives his occupation as a Collier - Labourer WATERFALL Charles (I6)
627 Charles gives his occupation as a Collier. WATERFALL Charles (I13)
628 Charles gives his occupation as a Farm Labourer. WATERFALL Charles Andrew (I770)
629 Charles gives his occupation as a Farm Servant. WATERFALL Charles Osmond (I769)
630 Charles gives his occupation as a Farmer. WATERFALL Charles (I390)
631 Charles gives his occupation as a Farmer. WATERFALL Charles Osmond (I769)
632 Charles gives his occupation as a Farmer. WATERFALL Charles Osmond (I769)
633 Charles gives his occupation as a file manager. Family F91
634 Charles gives his occupation as a Grocer & Draper. WATERFALL Charles (I1046)
635 Charles gives his occupation as a Joiner. WATERFALL Charles (I1046)
636 Charles gives his occupation as a Labourer. WATERFALL Charles (I390)
637 Charles gives his occupation as a Labourer. WATERFALL Charles (I390)
638 Charles gives his occupation as a Labourer. WATERFALL Charles (I451)
639 Charles gives his occupation as a Lace Bleacher. WATERFALL Charles (I451)
640 Charles gives his occupation as a Lace Bleacher. WATERFALL Charles (I451)
641 Charles gives his occupation as a Lace Bobbin Passer. WATERFALL Charles (I433)
642 Charles gives his occupation as a Lace Hand. WATERFALL Charles (I433)
643 Charles gives his occupation as a Moulder. WATERFALL Charles Thomas (I238)
644 Charles gives his occupation as a Paper Hanger. WATERFALL Charles A. (I1041)
645 Charles gives his occupation as a Paper Hanger. WATERFALL Charles A. (I1041)
646 Charles gives his occupation as a Printer and Booksellers apprentice. He is living in the household of Henry C Weaver. WATERFALL Charles (I1109)
647 Charles gives his occupation as a Retired Civil Servant. WATERFALL Charles (I1109)
648 Charles gives his occupation as a Superviser of Inland Revenue (Excise). WATERFALL Charles (I1109)
649 Charles gives his occupation as a Threader in Lace Making. WATERFALL Charles (I433)
650 Charles gives his occupation as an Excise Officer for the Inland Revenue. WATERFALL Charles (I1109)

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